Tag Archives: The Barefoot Herbalist

Juice fasting

It has been about seven years since MH, the Master Herbalist, first began discussing his principles of health on the CureZone forum.  Many times, he has mentioned he would possibly phase out his Ask Barefoot Herbalist Forum.  Therefore, I thought it would be essential to gather information here so that others could gain access to his archived posts.  There is a lot of valuable health remedies there and he still responds to questions every day in the public forum.

He even creates his own herbs the Dr. Christopher way – the proper way it was originally intended without fillers and cheating the public.  He also has invented many of his own herbal formulas that obey nature and seek to stimulate healing.

While juice fasting, your nervous system and digestion can take a break and have a chance to heal properly. When I did my 21 day juice-fast I slept only about 4 to 5 hours a night, lost a pound a day, and when I was working in the classroom there was no entropy coming from my students.  That means none of their emotional reactions could affect me. Their energy of neediness and anger and so forth would literally go right through me.

When the body’s karma is taken care of through this Juice Fast it clears the way for deep introspective work such as meditation.

Even Dr. Paul C. Bragg, in one of his books, reported actually seeing evidence of himself expelling quicksilver (mercury) in his stool while fasting.  That in itself is quite amazing.  But, to become an experienced faster, the first thing you need to do is gather the right information.  They say that “knowledge is power” and you have to work hard at unlearning all the false information that has been imposed on you from society.  As the Master Herbalist succinctly puts it:

“Humans die from having 900x too much calcium rock in their body that makes them shrink and turn HARD.  IF we die when we reach 900x too much calcium, then fasting properly extends your life, that SIMPLE.” — MH

This juice fast is taken from a very important pioneer in the medical field named Dr. William Howard Hay.  In the early 1920s, the doctor himself became severely ill with a condition known as dropsy.  He had no way to heal himself as it was considered an incurable condition.  The only recourse he had, was by taking immediate action by fasting to cure himself completely on his own.  After he regained his health, he quit his medical job and set up a seminary where he could really benefit others.  This was a place where others could experience the same results by eating raw foods and juice-fasting.

The reason the Juice Fast is recommended over a water-fast is that your muscles won’t fatigue or atrophy like Gandhi’s body did; because you are eating 20 almonds a day for protein.

I recommend that you download Dr. Hay’s book here called: Health via Food.  It will be a real eye-opener once you read it.  He had a cure rate of a 100 percent as long as they followed his nutrition protocol.  He assisted 60,000 people with various sicknesses ranging from mental illness and emotional problems as well as the deep physical cancers and tumors.  Once I heard about this, I literally spent four months on the Barefoot Herbalist’s Forum reading about six or seven hours a night!  I needed to find out the truth of these health principles in order to prepare myself properly for an extended fast.

The steps:

The School of Self-Applied Prevention is the Master Herbalist’s new website.  This is a great place to read, research and watch videos.  If you are serious about health, then these steps are required for regaining optimal health:

  1. Read and research what MH suggests for getting back to health.
  2. Invest in buying yourself a good water distiller.
  3. Begin taking the LBB (lower bowel balance) herbs to exercise the colon and move impurities down and out.
  4. Prepare yourself for doing 3 good liver flushes following the Dr. Hulda Clark’s recipe.
  5. Deworm and remove candida/parasites for 30 days straight with MH’s dewormer.

After that, you are ready to do a juice-fast which can be for 3 or 7 days for the beginner.  Most have gone on to do a 14 day juice-fast with no problems at all.  The intermediate and advanced practitioners have accomplished 21 or 40 days worth of juice-fasting respectively.  Natural orange juice itself will supply you with plenty of minerals when it is freshly squeezed.  MH says these are some of the benefits of juice fasting:


Distilled water:

Some observations I made when drinking distilled water is that, surprisingly, you can drink more of it than you ever thought possible.  You just can’t do that when drinking regular spring water.  You’ll soon notice that your body was dehydrated for so long and wonder why you drank anything else.  Some people are told that you should avoid distilled water because it leaches the beneficial minerals from your body but this is a big misconception.  The truth is that it naturally chelates (removes) only the non-organic minerals stored in your cells.

To determine the benefits of distilled water can be known either through self-experimentation or scientifically.  Either way, the cause of much confusion here is the result of using the wrong litmus test.  The paper PH strips should NOT be used to determine the acid/alkaline state of the water.  This way to determine the purity of water is always going to be inaccurate.  The correct way to determine the PH of distilled water is by using the liquid PH test kit.  If you use the paper litmus strips you will get the wrong reading every time.


The first herbal product that is absolute necessary is the Lower Bowel Balance (LBB) to repair your colon and MOVE the toxins down and out.  The other is optional because it has garlic and is not for everybody.  It is called the 2010 Longevity Spices.  The great thing with the Longevity Spices is you will begin to notice an effortless willpower developing for curbing your ravenous appetite for wrong foods.  You’ll get out of the bad habit of indulging in the bad foods you always wanted to give up but just couldn’t on your own.

The protocol:

The main herb that will assist your body in creating HEAT and CIRCULATION is called the Lower Bowel Balance (LBB).  This formula is key for regaining health for a number of reasons.  When you improve the digestive flow downward and out the toxins such as heavy metals and lactic acid (acidic buildup) can move out the elimination organs easily and successfully.  Furthermore, the overflow of candida and parasites can flush out easily with the assistance of this unique herbal formula.

Without the LBB the dreaded Herxheimer reaction happens to most of us.  This means the rapid die-off of the candida causes excessive irritability and then unusual hunger pangs.  This would lead to binging on the foods that contributed to the over-growth of the fungus or yeast in the first place.

It is important to know that without the LBB you will have to take a daily enema each day you fast.  Most would rather take the herb.  Either way one must know the following protocol to ensure safety and results:

The Dr. Hay Rule while fasting is knowing that one bowel movement per day is absolutely NECESSARY or else it is dangerous as toxemia will set in.

So, get educated first before attempting a serious fast and try to avoid all water fasts – as they can be the most dangerous without real guidance, self-confidence and spiritual integrity.  Always research it well, ask questions, and consult your physician if you are concerned about your current health.

UPDATE:  The Master Herbalist has a new forum to play on and answer questions: The Barefoot Way Forum

Good luck!

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Filed under Emotional Health, Mental Health, Physical Health, Spiritual Healing

The meaning of 108

I always smile when MH, the Barefoot Herbalist, keeps asking others, “What is the meaning of the number 108?”  Mysteriously it keeps being revealed to him in various ways in his daily life.  He believes no one will ever know the answer.  However, with a little help the meaning can be known.

In the mystical world, especially to Buddhists, the number 108 is a metaphor for the number of steps required in order to completely “graduate” from this earth plane.  The mind’s labyrinth is deep and complex.  To accomplish this path, first one must discern the 8 consciousnesses and the 10 bhumis.  Putting them together equals 108.

The aspirant is required to develop the mind by sharpening the practice of concentration (shamatha) and insight (vipashana) meditation.

Along with learning, reflecting and meditating one is able to progress through all of these stages of practice.  This is the real meaning of Ascension.

According to the Hinayana path, the Arhat (hearer) and Pratyekabuddha (solitary realizer) have four stages of enlightenment:

  1. stream-enterer
  2. once-returner
  3. non-returner
  4. fruition (arhant)

However, according to the Mahayana path, the Bodhisattva (enlightening being or hero) ascends through the grounds (bhumis) to achieve the goal of complete enlightenment with the compassionate intention to reduce the suffering of all sentient beings.

The structure of the stupa represents the enlightened mind of the Buddha.  The one above is exactly 108 feet tall.  It is an architectural representation of the entire Buddhist path.  Click the image to learn more about the symbolism of the stupa.  The body, speech, and mind of enlightenment is contained therein.

The Avatamsaka Sutra explains the first part of the number 108 in relation to each of the ten bhūmis:


  1. The first bhumi – the Very Joyous. In which one rejoices at realizing a partial aspect of the truth
  2. The second bhumi – the Stainless. In which one is free from all defilement
  3. The third bhumi – the Luminous. In which one radiates the light of wisdom
  4. The fourth bhumi – the Radiant. In which the radiant flame of wisdom burns away earthly desires
  5. The fifth bhumi – the Difficult to Cultivate. In which one surmounts the illusions of darkness, or ignorance as the Middle Way
  6. The sixth bhumi – the Manifest. In which supreme wisdom begins to manifest
  7. The seventh bhumi – the Gone Afar. In which one rises above the states of the Two vehicles
  8. The eighth bhumi – the Immovable. In which one dwells firmly in the truth of the Middle Way and cannot be perturbed by anything
  9. The ninth bhumi – the Good Intelligence. In which one preaches the Law freely and without restriction
  10. The tenth bhumi – the Cloud of Doctrine. In which one benefits all sentient beings with the Law (Dharma), just as a cloud sends down rain impartially on all things

The second part of the mystical number 108 explains the following eight consciousnesses  in depth:


  1. First consciousness: “Eye-consciousness”; seeing apprehended by the visual sense organs
  2. Second consciousness: “Ear-consciousness”; hearing apprehended by the auditory sense organs
  3. Third consciousness: “Nose-consciousness”; smelling apprehended through the olfactory organs
  4. Fourth consciousness: “Tongue-consciousness”; tasting perceived through the gustatory organs
  5. Fifth consciousness: “Body-consciousness”; tactile feeling apprehended through skin contact, touch
  6. Sixth consciousness: “Ideation-consciousness”; mano vijnana, the aspect of mind known in Sanskrit as the “mind monkey”; the consciousness of ideation
  7. Seventh consciousness: “Obscuration-consciousness”; manas vijnana, “obscuration”, “poison”, “enemy”, “ideation”, “moving mind”, “monkey mind” (volition); a consciousness which through apprehension, gathers the hindrances, the poisons, the karmic formations
  8. Eighth consciousness: “store-house consciousness”; alaya vijnana, also seed consciousness (bija vijnana); “the consciousness which is the basis of the other seven”. The seven prior consciousnesses are based and founded upon the eighth. It is the aggregate which administers and yields rebirth; this idea may in some respects be compared to the usage of the word “citta” in the agamas. In the early texts the sankhara-khandha plays some of the roles ascribed to the store-house consciousness by later Yogacara thinkers.

While practicing serious meditation and then going through all the dhyanas, samapattis, and samadhis one slowly purifies all their negative karmas, afflictive emotions, and cognitive obscurations which enable one to rises through the 10 levels.  At the 11th Bhumi one becomes a super-man, a fully realized being called a Buddha – the fully Awakened One.

Good Luck!


Filed under Buddhist sutras, Spiritual Healing, Tibetan Buddhism