Tag Archives: mercury problems

Conscious Parenting

It’s hard to imagine what highly evolved spiritual beings would want to incarnate into today’s world.  They would have to be very brave indeed to be born in these degenerate times.  Presently, we are fortunate to have the Barefoot Herbalist to rely on for proper health.  He has one main axiom which is: “One cure, cures all.”

He states that stagnation or constipation is the root cause of physical disease.  Once this is thoroughly understood and accepted then one can begin applying the proper antidotes for better health.

The image of the caduceus medical symbol to the right is a clue for health.  It represents the central channel in the middle and the left and right channels to the sides.  This is the structure of the autonomic nervous system seen from a spiritual point of view.

Once the central-nerve is open and the energy or blood circulates freely through that meridian, then one can truly say the nervous-system is healed and strong.  As the Barefoot Herbalist tells us – circulation is key.

On a physical level, some of the proper ways to increase circulation are Herbs, the Liver Flush, the Sitz bath, and Rebounding.  On an energetic level, some of the recommendations to increase circulation are Reiki, Chi-kung, and Pranayama.

Family planning:

If you are planning on having a child it would be wise to compare and view these two births.  The first video is a normal Medical birth that on the surface seems fine.  But, to a highly trained eye is much too invasive for the baby’s delicate body and nervous-system to handle.  The second video is a Natural Water birth which is only a five minute video that will evoke your emotions.

If we have suffered greatly in our own life we would naturally come to the conclusion that we don’t want our own children to suffer.

The video will make you teary-eyed since we never realized that birthing could be so beautiful.  It is sad and disappointing that televised births have really conditioned our minds to fear this as something that is extremely painful.  It doesn’t have to be this way.

Preventative care:

How do we get past our deep fears since doctors tell us one thing and alternative medicine doesn’t have a clear road-map for good and proper health? 

Finding the truth about health is nearly impossible since everyone has a vested interest in getting rich.  Of course, not everyone is bad person but most have an incomplete understanding.  It’s a tough world we live in when people don’t live with a proper code of honor and don’t take the time to investigate the root causes of disease.  However, we are fortunate right now that two Master Herbalists on the CureZone website.  They have voiced their views and methods to natural living and get results with preventative care.

The first is MH – the Barefoot Herbalist and the other is Dr. Mom.  They are both Dr. Christopher trained who is considered to be the father of modern herbal medicine.  If you want a female perspective, from a mother of fifteen and grandmother of thirty-seven, then Dr. Mom is a good choice.  If you want a male perspective, who is bold and isn’t afraid to tell you how it is, then MH is the one to look at.  Both are controversial figures to those whose opinions are set in stone.  However, if you are rational person and willing to follow the correct PRINCIPLES to health, you will discover a way of life that will benefit you and your family.

About Immunizations:

Are vaccines causing drastic health problems?

It’s up to you to do the research and make an educated decision.  Most of us healers don’t object to homeopathic methods in healing.  What we object to are the heavy base metals and animal bi-products that can cause damage to the nervous-system and deterioration of the mind found in modern vaccines.

A new study suggests about 1 in 38 children have traits of autism, higher than a previous U.S. estimate of 1 in 100.

In my experience, in the classroom for over fourteen years, and seeing thousands and thousands of different children; I have never met one that was innately joyful and whole.  Only a few years ago do I remember meeting one boy on retreat who was about eight at the time.  It was amazing to see someone so naturally happy at his age.  Later on, I asked the mom if he was vaccinated.  She went on to explain that he wasn’t vaccinated at birth but at age four he was.  I thought that was quite remarkable.  It would seem that once the body is much older, a child’s nervous-system is strong enough to handle any of life’s difficulties with ease.

Compassionate Mothers:

Lastly, in honor and dedication to my own parents I wanted to share what the Buddha had to say about how much love mothers really do have for bearing and raising children:

“For ten months while the mother is with child, she feels discomfort each time she rises, as if she were lifting a heavy burden. Like a chronic invalid, she is unable to keep her food and drink down. When the ten months have passed and the time comes for the birth, she undergoes all kinds of pain and suffering so that the child can be born. She is afraid of her own mortality, like a pig or lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Then the blood flows all over the ground. These are the sufferings she undergo.”

“Once the child is born, she saves what is sweet for him and swallows what is bitter herself. She carries the child and nourishes it, washing away its filth. There is no toil or difficulty that she does not willingly undertake for the sake of her child. She endures both cold and heat and never even mentions what she has gone through. She gives the dry place to her child and sleeps in the damp herself. For three years she nourishes the baby with milk, which is transformed from the blood of her own body.”

You can read the whole sutra here: The Filial Piety Sutra

If you are already an expecting mom you can click here: proper prenatal care to find more information to help you on your way.  If it is already too late, then just click on my home page and learn some of the basic antidotes to get your child back to normal, functional health.


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Filed under Buddhist sutras, Emotional Health, Physical Health