Tag Archives: dry fasting

Fasting as lifestyle

This topic is so important as an antidote to the obese culture that has manifested in modern times.  I wanted to write a follow up to my last article and offer a few succinct points to help you understand how to get results.  I’m seven days into my dry fast regimen and I already lost 8 pounds of fat I don’t want.  I feel fantastic and the process is totally effortless. 

taichi sunrise1

To be clear, I am NOT interested in doing an extended dry-fast.  It can be dangerous until a person reads and experiences this process and understands everything perfectly.  For me, it is “slow and steady wins the race”.  Therefore, it is a lifestyle with a daily regimen with a feeding and fasting window. 

For the past several days, I have been eating breakfast and lunch and stopping everything around 2:30pm.  No food and water is given for the rest of the day and re-feeding resumes at 8AM the next morning.  It is fascinating to note all the positives that goes along with this such as a greater range of motion, reduced pain, and having a complete rest while sleeping. 

The effortless willpower is quite magical as you can watch television and see all the commercials for delicious food while remaining unaffected.  I attribute the weakness to bad eating habits and not allowing the stomach to fully rest.  The key is NOT drinking water and leaving the stomach completely empty for a short amount of time.  With that, everything changes.  I even lost 2 pounds (in one day) when weighing in on my scale at midnight.  I must have entered ketosis by allowing my body to burn fat as soon as the ten hour mark.

Natural state:

We all want to get into the natural state and enjoy life with a calm, centered mind.  Therefore, this is not something that is drudge-work.  This is more a lifestyle choice rather than a onetime fasting program that we look at in apprehension.  Something hidden and wonderful is uncovered with this knowledge for those willing to take a look.

“Since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer; only a naked manifest awareness is present.  [This intrinsic awareness] is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever.” — Karma Lingpa

It is a great feeling when you begin to feel good and know that you are in control over your food intake and appearance.  At the very least, you learn to build up proper habits around eating and fasting as a daily routine.  The way this is different than other fasts is that we are taught to refrain from both food and drink in short intervals of 8, 12, or 16 hours.  Cole Robinson states it well:

“Being fed all of the time is an unnatural state of being. Humans were built to endure fasting periods.” — Cole Robinson

The experience of bloating and indigestion is unnatural and unhealthy but the first symptoms we perceive that something is wrong.  Therefore, working to correct this problem physically runs parallel to the spiritual  practitioner who intends to abide in the natural state with the mind.  If you have committed yourself to a spiritual path then it is of great use to seek self-mastery and achieve the perfect way to abide in your natural state mentally as well as physically. 

What pulls us out?

With experience, it becomes clearly apparent that wrong feeding habits are the major detrimental condition that requires a fasting window to regain balance. 


Understanding the right principles of the ketosis is something I consider as the greatest gift that Western science has put forth that will help a great many people who can discern the right approach to better health.  Cole explains these principles of health in a way we probably have never thought before.  From the Snake Diet website:

“When you eat more food than you can readily expend the excess energy is stored away for later use.  When we eat, our insulin levels increase and help to store energy in two ways.  Sugars form long chains and are stored as glycogen in the liver.  This energy source is for immediate use.  There is limited storage space in the liver so; once capacity is reached the liver then begins to turn excess energy into fat to be stored on the body.  There is no limit to how much fat can be stored on the body.  The catch is that you cannot access the energy stored as fat until you have first depleted the liver of sugars.” — Cole Robinson

Therefore, he indicates that when you are in the fasting window, the body first uses glycogen as glucose for energy.  And after that, the body begins breaking down fat. Weight loss, feeling positive and healing begin to happen as a result.


This is part of using biofeedback to observe how we are doing inside by looking at what effects are happening to our body.  We do this by looking at the quality of our skin, teeth, hair, and nails.  We also can observe how we are sleeping. 

During sleep are we waking up COMPLETELY rested?

If we follow this program correctly, then inflammation is quickly brought down to very low levels which, in turn, offer us a complete rest and reduction in eczema.  This has been attested by two of my close friends that I have discussed this with who were open-minded enough to try it out.  One of them reported that he felt 20 years younger!  Most importantly, the results were seen in over night and they became believers.

Cole tells us, that “Fasting stops inflammation, dry fasting proves that QUICKLY!”  Therefore, do NOT spike your insulin.

“Insulin spikes, promote inflammation.” — Cole Robinson

Whenever you eat, you will spike your insulin.  When you spike your insulin, inflammation occurs immediately which results in bodily pain.  As we become more mindful of the causes and conditions of this, we make better food choices.


Cole has three good re-feeding rules:

  1. Rule 1: Eat a tiny, low carb meal, with 80% percent plant foods.
  2. Rule 2: No fruit till you are ripped.  Once you are ripped, then you can start eating fruit again.
  3. Rule 3: Definitely consider re-feeding if you feel light-headed or having headaches.

With that said, we are taught to eat a meal with low carbs with a few sips of water during  your meal.  This is an important point to remember so it doesn’t cause bloating and indigestion.  If you are lean and clean then wait 30 minutes to have a full glass of your favorite drink.  If not, then it is probably better to wait 1 or 2 hours due to the unhealed stomach ulcers.

Once you are educated, basically anyone can do this.  As long as you know there is a feeding window and a fasting window.  For example, at the beginner stage, a person can more easily feed in a 12 hour time period and fast without food/water for the remaining 12.

At the intermediate stage you can increase the fasting window while decreasing the feeding window.  You may increase the fasting window to 14, 16, or 18 hours.

For the advanced stage, you would go 24 hours or 48 hours.  If you have a lot of fat in you, then it will be easier than a skinny person.  Therefore, you need the utmost discretion and understanding to pursue this level of healing and weight loss.  I would probably do a ton of research on how to do it and break the fast properly.  Also, performing a month of 12s or 14s will get your body accustomed for a longer, deeper cleanse.


Without physical pain, you’re definitely going to be in a pleasant mood.  And if you are in a good mood, you are more likely to build people up rather than tear them down.  Having more control over your life will put you in good spirits.  After that, you will be more inclined to become active rather than shivering and hiding in bed under the covers.  As your life changes for the better, it is fun to share that JOY with others in work, sport or anything else.

I noticed three amazing things.  If you know anything about tongue analysis and how that relates to the inside of your body, it can help understand what is happening with the digestion, organs and glands.  For the first time in decades, I witnessed a drastic reduction in, what they call a “scalloped tongue”.   From what I read, this indicates that you’re either not getting the right nutrients or there is a Qi deficiency (which is a state of fatigue and illness) or a thyroid problem.   Secondly, it is nice to see a transformation from being more socially aware and comfortable as you move from a constant introverted state to an extroverted one.  And lastly, I experienced a greater range of motion (moving my head left to right).  Therefore, it is now so extremely comfortable to drive and walk around as there is hardly any pain there.  It is such a big, noticeable difference than before.

“Once you get lean, you can have fun with food.” — Cole Robinson

This is about living fully and not one of being gloomy and depressed.  So, enjoy yourself as you become ’cause over life’ and begin to see the quality of life improving.  Here is another good video to watch and learn from:  Fasting Cures Inflammation

Light & Love,

Disclaimer: The above article is intended as an exploration of a healing technique called dry fasting, and is not intended to be taken as medical advice.  If you are interested in this practice, you must educate yourself thoroughly, and seek advice from a qualified holistic or medical professional.  I do not accept liability for damage or injury that may allegedly arise from any information or suggestions herein.  As with anything, taking yourself to extremes can be very dangerous unless you are well trained and know what you’re doing.


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