Tag Archives: Chagdud Yangsi

Ceremony For the Deceased


I received this email from Chagdud Gonpa Rigdzin Ling and passing it on for those that may be interested in this Lama performing the Bardo Ceremony done for their love one who recently passed and anyone who wishes to participate or be a sponsor for the upcoming Vajrasattva Drubchod retreat:

A Ceremony for the Deceased will be performed at the climax of the Red Vajrasattva Retreat on Saturday, September 29, 2018, led by our vajra master Jigme Tromge Rinpoche. This practice benefits the deceased wherever they may be wandering after death by invoking their consciousness and reducing their fear and suffering through love and compassion.

During the stages of the ceremony, the consciousness of the deceased is given focus, clarity and direction so that the habitual propensities toward unsatisfactory rebirths are purified. Then, by closing the doors to all possible suffering states of samsara, the consciousness is liberated directly into the blissful pure realm of Amitabha. At the conclusion of the ritual, the name-plaque is incinerated, marking the end of the deceased’s fetters to samsara.

To be included in this ceremony, you are invited to submit the names of deceased family, friends or someone with whom you have a connection. You may also include their picture or cremation remains. It is customary to include a donation on behalf of the deceased in order for the deceased to have an auspicious interdependence with this ceremony.

Names must be submitted by Tuesday, Sep. 25th.  Send an email to events@chagdudgonpa.org to submit a name. Click here to make an offering.




September 26th – 30th, 2018

Vajrasattva meditation practice purifies the subtle mental and emotional habits that obscure our free, compassionate and open nature. Utilizing the skillful means of the Vajrayana tradition, it is swift and powerful.

A Drubchod is a group ritual ceremony that includes prayers and mantra recitations, relevant Dharma teachings and daily feast offerings (tsok). The retreat culminates with the accepting of the spiritual accomplishments (siddhis) and concludes with auspicious prayers and aspirations.

During the retreat, Jigme Tromge Rinpoche will read the scriptural transmission (lung) for Patrul Rinpoche’s classic commentary, Words of My Perfect Teacher, which is available in a wonderful English translation. It is imperative to receive this transmission as an authorization to read this text and fully comprehend its meaning.

The prerequisite empowerment will be conferred by Jigme Tromge Rinpoche on the morning of the first day.

Listen Contemplate: Podcasts

Featured Teaching: Mind in Motion with Chagdud Khandro

Long Life prayer for: Chagdud Yangsi

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Filed under Masters, Spiritual Healing, Tibetan Buddhism