Tag Archives: prerequisite

The Barefoot Way

To all the Barefooters,

I created a forum for the more scholarly type.  If you are interested in a more personal and private community then feel free to check it out.  MH granted his approval and hopefully we can continue to help those that are sick and suffering.


I think a few good people on here know that we need to save the valuable information that MH has been posting here over the years.  Once it is lost then the next generations will definitely lose out.

For personal users, this forum will be organized into two sections: GROUPS and ACHIEVEMENT LADDER.  This should inspire people to participate more and keep things in a positive and motivated mindset.


Those that have completed an OJ-type Fast will be grouped together into clubs such as: a 7 Day Club, 14 Day Club, 21 Day Club or 40 Day Club respectively.  That may be of sincere interest to some people that want more privileges.  In order to be approved, you just have to show that you completed the respective number of days on the Orange Juice fast. 

Just post your gains/results in the Introductions or Testimonials section.  Provisionally, each club will have advanced permissions such as edit posts or upload files.  This is certainly NOT a justification to compete with others.

Fasting, without being educated properly, will just result in harming yourself.  These clubs are really just a way to have a sense of community here.  When we recognize and TRUST each other it will be a lot easier to feel safe in a supportive environment.


At first, when you post a topic, it will say Newbie beneath your name.  Then after 20 posts, it will automatically change to say Barefooter.  Once you become a Barefooter you will be able to add photos in your album.  That will be cool.  At this point, I will add you to our list-server so you can receive email notifications for each reply to that post. 

  1. After 108 posts your title will change to Barefooter BRONZE
  2. After 508 posts your title will say Barefooter SILVER
  3. After 1008 posts it will say Barefooter GOLD

I believe this is one of the neat features we can add to make this website more fun and interesting.

Finally, use this forum as an OPPORTUNITY to help your family, friends and children to get back to health without medical-induced fear.  Those of us that have used MH’s herbal formulas and completed an OJ fast know, without a doubt, that this method can be DUPLICATED by anyone if followed correctly.

Therefore, we all need to participate if we want to change the world and make it a BETTER place.  Maybe we can make a difference.  Hope to see you there.  Here is the website:


good luck!

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Filed under Physical Health