Tag Archives: bipolar disorder

Blazing away mental illness

For over twenty years, I had enjoyed reading Paul Brunton’s books over and over again.  I loved contemplating all of his works especially the sixteen volumes in his Notebooks series.  At the time, I believed his vision of creating a synthesis of eastern and western spirituality was quite fascinating.  Because of PB’s high ethical standards, I regularly used his knowledge to evaluate each worldly doctrine and healing modality that I was researching until I met my own teacher.  Therefore, with reluctance I write this article as some may misconstrue what I point out stems from hatred or jealousy.  Nothing could be farther than the truth.  I hope this warning and cautionary tone comes across as a form of constructive criticism.

A few things need to be pointed out so every quester can see through their dark misconceptions that are gathered by working alone.  If this advice is perfectly understood then he/she can continue safely on the path and avoid any harm.  Since PB’s work, over the last century, has sunk into the collective-consciousness of our world a few bad seeds need to be uprooted.

As mental illness has drastically increased over the last ten years this topic surely needs to be addressed.  Suffering on a grand scale has occurred with such painful conditions as Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia to name a few.  It is my wish that a few guiding principles can be placed in the hands of practitioners, health-care providers, and psychologists for the benefit of spiritual beings lost in such confusion.

PB writes:

Here is one of the paras that PB writes that I took to heart for many decades:

“If the voices which he hears are audible in the same way that one hears the voices of people through the ears, it is merely psychic and undesirable.  If, however, it is a very strong mental impression and also very clear, then it is the mystic phenomenon known as the “Interior Word” which is on a truly spiritual plane and therefore is desirable.” – Paul Brunton

This is quite a dubious para for the sole reason that any voice, whether audible or mental, can deceive you.  It got me in trouble in the past and once I clearly saw the specific patterns of mental illness I was able to pull myself out of it.  If I could easily be mislead so can other serious students.  Unless it is clearly pointed out, this type of mistaken belief can result in spiritual ruin.

It is important to note that the Buddhist doctrine has never said to follow your mind, sense impressions, or intuition.  These mental impressions really derive from a false source which is none other than our subconscious mind rather than a wisdom mind.

The Buddha said, “Be wary of trusting your own mind, for it is deceptive.  Be wary of situations that may incite lust, for those will lead to disaster.  Once you have attained arhatship, you can trust your own mind.” — The Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters

It is understandable that most westerners have an aversion to following a guru or a master.  We all start off with a certain pride that we can walk this path on our own.  However, since the subconscious mind is so entrenched in negative karma and emotional obscurations it is good advice to follow someone who is ahead of us on our meditational path.

Guiding principle:

Just as an Arhat can trust his own mind, a Bodhisattva on the 8th bhumi can truly discriminate what comes from ordinary mind or wisdom mind.  He can now clearly see what comes from a demon or master.  Since the faulty discriminating mind has come to an end for the Bodhisattva at this stage, the enlightening being can see what is illusory and real.

“Mahamati, at the eighth stage the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, Sravakas, and Pratyekabuddhas cease cherishing discriminative ideas that arise from the Citta, Mana and Manovijnana.” — The Lankavatara sutra

From talking to many people, I know all too well that most people would prefer to be guided by an internal master rather than a living Master.  We all would like to advance on the quest without having to do much work.  Of course, it would be nice to have a shortcut and not have to put much effort in traveling to see a lama or all the expenses that it entails.

Eight Worldly Dharmas:

The surest way to check if we have gone astray is to understand our ethical motivation.  As soon as we have a selfish agenda we need to immediately recognize this wrong intention.  We need to recognize these strong feelings that lead to harmful ends.  We would be fortunate if we became properly instructed to go beyond the eight worldly dharmas.

These worldly dharmas or mundane concerns are the key to recognizing our base impulses.  Once we are aware of our afflictive emotions then we can see our patterns of behavior.  With this knowledge we can avoid grasping onto whatever the ego wants.  As we become familiar with this, then we can easily dismiss any mystical message that would cause us to become grandiose or inflated.  If we want a completely healthy mind we should follow the middle path and avoid the constant:

  • hope for HAPPINESS and fear of SUFFERING
  • hope for FAME and fear of INSIGNIFICANCE
  • hope for PRAISE and fear of BLAME
  • hope for GAIN and fear of LOSS

If we are fortunate enough to sit at the feet of an authentic, enlightened master we can gain confidence in following a correct path.  Once we surrender in the right way then we can relax with an alert mindfulness.  We never want to surrender and then act on our false intuitions.  Only with right instruction in our mind and a pure motivation in our heart can an authentic samadhi will develop.

When it does, then it will be more than a glimpse that comes and goes.  This type of samadhi would bring us to a level of permanent peace.  Once this way of abiding is realized, then this stable state of Pure Being is always priority.  Thereafter, any grandiose thought, elevated intuition, or wrong message that arises in the mind will pale in comparison.  They are seen for what it is – a display of the mind and certainly NOT acted upon.

Fault of intuition:

One of the things that I took seriously was being a good student and following instructions perfectly.  In many PB’s paras, he states repeatedly to obey your intuition.  I figured that is what I must strictly adhere to in order to succeed.  For example:

“The intellect ought to work only as a servant, obeying intuition’s orders in practical life or filling in details for intuition’s discoveries in the truth-seeking quest.” – Paul Brunton

The problem we have here is that our wisdom-mind is not fully developed until a stable realization takes place.  When this is the case, then our own subconscious-mind can play tricks on us.  If our mind is fragmented it surely can take on a life of its own.  Furthermore, one must take into account that there are many planetary forces, nagas, and king-like spirits that are wandering about ready to cause mischief.  They often act like authority figures and like a military general they are often in a disposition of shouting orders…wanting you to obey their command.

How would anyone know what the source is?

It is a simple fact that, when you deepen your meditation you become quite adept at hearing your own thoughts.  Once this happens, it is never easy to discern if these are our own thoughts or someone else’s.

Furthermore, we all want to become the favored and chosen practitioner.  We all want to be enlightened as soon as possible.  And at a desperate time we would obey any faint intuition to get it.  Unfortunately, this is not the proper way to go about it.

Just like the story of the monk on solitary retreat.  He heard a mental voice tell him to throw his ritual bell against the wall in order to see a fantastic miracle.  He did so only to shatter and break his precious dharma instrument.  In the end, all the Buddhas want you to do is practice the six perfections and ultimately achieve non-action.  One really needs discriminating wisdom, proper scriptures, and an enlightened master to keep us safely on track.

Proper use of Intuition:

A few circumstances where right intuition can be followed:

  1. Pertaining to the physical body
  2. Pertaining to interpersonal relationships
  3. Pertaining to travel

The following examples are correct ways to utilize your intuition which have no fault accompanying it:

First, when you are practicing yoga or exercising it is only beneficial to recognize the warning signs of pain and stop what you are doing.  Women seem to have an easier time understanding this.  Nonetheless, anyone can balance their intellect with their feeling and increase their level of skill through bi0feedback.  Because of the reference point of pain and pleasure it can be mastered rather easily.

Second, when you are in relationship with another person (or someone you just met) and you feel a negative warning or a “red flag” comes up…it would be wise to follow your intuition and avoid this individual.

Third, when you are about to travel someplace and have a bad “gut” feeling.  It is beneficial to follow that feeling and avoid getting in the car with someone.  The negative warning sign may save your life.

The Lankavatara Sutra:

The Bodhisattva after achieving a direct perception of emptiness, on the path of seeing, has ten stages or bhumis of further enlightenment to enhance.  To do more accurate research in this direction you can read this excellent sutra:

“The first seven of the Bodhisattva stages were in the realm of mind and the eighth, while transcending mind, was still in touch with it; but in the ninth stage of Transcendental Intelligence (Sadhumati), by reason of his perfect intelligence and insight into the imagelessness of Divine Mind which he had attained by self-realization of Noble Wisdom, he is in the realm of Tathagatahood.” — The Lankavatara sutra

Then the Buddha goes on to say:

“Gradually the Bodhisattva will realize his Tathagata-nature and the possession of all its powers and psychic faculties, self-mastery, loving compassion, and skillful means, and by means of them will enter into all the Buddha-lands.”

Click here to read the Lankavatara sutra online.

Click here to download this version of The Lankavatara Sutra.

Best wishes!

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Filed under Masters, Mental Health, World Issues

Mysticism 101

Gandhi said it right: “Be the change you seek in the world.”  But most get it backwards and begin a political agenda that is at odds with the powers that be.  When their ethics aren’t upheld properly, obstacles arise.  Then paranoia sets in and they defeat themselves.  These types of people see an evil or corrupt world and become very impatient.  Without the dharma-eye they cannot see the help going on “behind the scenes” and so they take it upon themselves to change the world.  And they do this in an unskillful way that ends up in a disaster.

It has been said that your opinion of the world is a reflection of your character.  I have to agree.  Change does come but it happens very slowly.  The Buddhas of this world see the world as already perfect.  Even so, they aren’t ignorant of the fact that certain systems or ways of living are wrong or in need of improvement.  They know all too well that people are suffering.  These masters are ready to help anyone who seeks their wisdom or advice.

The main rule of thumb when being on a spiritual path is:

Do NOT follow your thoughts, do NOT pay attention to images, do NOT listen to voices you may hear and do NOT follow impulses that would violate the rules (precepts) or laws of society.

Over the last decade we have seen mental illness on the rise.  Deep spiritual seekers are now being labeled as having Manic-depression, Schizophrenia, or Borderline Personality Disorder.  The following is some information so you can see the patterns of behavior that develops through having mistaken conceptions on the path.

A recent story:

One lady I recently talked to had herself convinced that she was the new Maitreya.  She tried to explain to me that she hears voices in her head and this was a common thing in the past.  She said, “Voice hearers were once very important in ancient civilizations, there is nothing insane about this.”  She went on to say that one of her intentions was to destroy the scriptures.  I told her these voice-hearers were disciples of the Buddha called Shravakas who listened to the actual Shakyamuni Buddha discoursing on the dharma in person.  But to no avail, I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

One of the dark’s agenda is to destroy the dharma or sacred scriptures.  But, in reality, the dharma is the LIFE-BLOOD for all living and non-living beings.  It is the source of happiness and upheld by the bodhisattvas, masters, and lineage holders as a gift to you – so that you can be set free and be liberated.

Please, if you hear a voice in your head it is a psychic phenomena and on a lower (astral) plane than proper meditation.  For your own good, you should stop all meditation or breathing exercise or whatever you are doing and seek qualified help.

On having powers:

Every demon that enters someone’s mind has convinced them they have a special power or ability to endure and survive.  Look at Charlie Sheen’s attitude. He feels indestructible due to his excess use of drugs that would normally cause death to ordinary person.  He just negatively conditioned his body to tolerate the stress.  Furthermore, most of us know about Jesus and how he heard a voice in his head that told him to jump off a cliff.  Fortunately, he did NOT listen to that demon.  He set the right example for all of us.

Every intuition that you receive MUST be backed by reason and grounded in reality – otherwise you will eventually lose your path.  The informed aspirant knows exactly how to stay on track.  In Buddhism, there are checks and balances so your spiritual career doesn’t turn into a colossal failure or spiritual materialism.  If you know the Eight Worldly Dharmas you’ll be ahead of the game because you’ll know what to avoid.

The Eight Worldly Concerns are:

  • hope for PLEASURE and fear of PAIN
  • hope for FAME and fear of INSIGNIFICANCE
  • hope for PRAISE and fear of BLAME
  • hope for GAIN and fear of LOSS

Pay attention to when these eight mundane concerns manifest in you.  As these thoughts or feelings arise in excess then you’ll know immediately to avoid clinging and grasping to agendas filled with all sorts of hope and fear.  They are the links to your subconscious demons.

Some people have the mistaken idea that enlightenment is gifted or graced by a Higher Power.  This is a very dangerous belief to hold on to.  The Buddha never taught that he could grant someone enlightenment with the snap of a finger or a push of a button.  All he can do is explain what is right from wrong, correct from incorrect and show us the way to a lasting happiness.

You have to be a LIGHT UNTO YOURSELF.  You have to obtain the necessary realization on your own.  No one else can do it for you.  You are required to do the hard work of purification, study and contemplation.  The unfortunate result of holding onto such a mistaken belief (that an external being can clear away all of your karma) is being hospitalized for a mental illness.  This seems to be happening more and more to people in our degenerate time.  Here is what most likely happens:

Patterns of behavior:

In a general way, men are innately aggressive.  They are ready to “take a leap of faith” and follow their hunches and synchronicities as a test to be passed.  Once passed you feel elated and “in favor” of the god or demon guiding or impulsing you.  Naturally you believe you are the “chosen one” of God and will be enlightened very soon.  This type of euphoria goes on for some time when things go right.  When things go wrong or out of hand paranoia sets in and then you crash.  You end up being depressed for many reasons; mainly for being in a miserable world and still unenlightened.  These men end up being labeled as Bipolar.

In a general way, women are innately passive. They are also ready to “take a leap of faith” and follow their hunches and synchronicities as a test of faith to be passed.  Once passed you feel elated and “in favor” of the god or demon guiding or impulsing you.  Naturally you believe you are the “chosen one” of God/Goddess and you will be enlightened very soon.  They also have highs and lows like men do.  But instead of lashing out (exploding) at others the way men do they lash inwardly (imploding) in a suicidal way.  These women could end up being labeled as borderline or Schizophrenic.

The five paths:

Every religion has its place depending on where you are at in your spiritual evolution.  When you get rid of the dogma and limitations of certain lower views then you can see the beauty in each religion and how it all fits like a mosaic in this world.  What is unique about Buddhism is that you can more easily figure out where you are on the Path and how much further work you have to do on yourself.  There is no guesswork involved.  The Buddha explained in detail the five paths and ten bhumis of ascension especially in the Lankavatara sutra.

The five paths are:

  • The path of accumulation (one must clear away the heavy negative karmas)
  • The path of preparation (one must clear emotional afflictions)
  • The path of seeing (one has a direct perception of their true nature)
  • The path of learning (one begins to clear away the cognitive obscurations)
  • The path of no-more learning (one becomes a fully awake and omniscient being)

Making decisions:

Sometimes, when you have a decision to make, you usually get yourself in a bind depending on the perplexity of the choices.  Some will consult the tarot deck, soothsayers, fortunetellers and divination.  Others will consult their spirit guides for help.  This can be very costly financially but more costly if the guidance comes from a corrupt or unenlightened source.  All of this can be easily be cut-through in a simple way so that you can be more self-sufficient.  You have your own innate wisdom within you.

The key principle is to FOLLOW THE PATH OF JOY.  For example, when you think of a future scenario and you are wondering if you should accept a course of action then you should feel joyful and effortless when imagining yourself doing it.  Otherwise, if the future possibility is wrought with a lot of pressure and resistance then that course of action should be rejected and not followed through.

The Buddha knew well that the above principle was not fool-proof since some people misinterpret their feelings and intuitions.  Since the Buddha calculated 84,000 outflows of poisonous thoughts, feelings, and actions he gave out specific precepts of what to accept or reject as a guideline for certain spiritual progress.  Unfortunately, there are some people that take pleasure and joy in being destructive in all sorts of heinous crimes or perverted behaviors.  They would enjoy pulling the wings off of insects for example.  That is simply wrong.

Following precepts:

In a more precise way, the Buddhist precepts were given to assist you to develop your conduct in a right and safe way for positive day-to-day living.  As it has been taught, there are hundreds of basic precepts to hold in Buddhism.  This type of self-denial has caused so much anger, confusion, and resentment among humans and non-humans.  For some, it was considered too harsh to accept these facts immediately.  They rejected Buddhism because it went against their normal, negative habitual way of living.  In reality, it is for everyone’s greater good to evolve in this way as it has been said:

The Buddha told Ananda, “You constantly hear me explain in the Vinaya that there are three unalterable aspects to cultivation.  That is, collecting one’s thoughts constitutes the precepts; from the precepts comes samadhi; and out of samadhi arises wisdom.  Samadhi arises from precepts, and wisdom is revealed out of samadhi.” ~ Shurangama Sutra

Walking the path:

If you are serious about walking on solid ground on a spiritual path then finding a qualified Lama is of utmost importance.  The lama can begin to teach you what steps to take.  Being initiated into these more advanced practices are ways for you to send healing energy to the world without interfering with anyone’s free-will.  These practices require a transmission and words of honor.

Learning to perform a sadhana such as a fire puja (homa) or Ganachakra (tsok) feast is the best way to accumulate merit and wisdom as well as pacify the inner and outer elements.  This is a skillful way to help all worldly and non-worldly beings that are suffering without hurting yourself in the process.

All the best,

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Filed under Mental Health, World Issues

The Barbara Brennan School

Barbara Brennan offers a generous amount of information that ties psychological patterns of disease in relation to physical wellness and healing.  She is a true pioneer in her field.

With mental imbalance on the rise, it is certainly possible that a fracturing of the nervous-system (scientific term) or its chakras/channels (spiritual term) can lead to a personality disorder such as Bipolar, ADD, OCD, Autism and even Morgellons syndrome.

It is true that the body can affect the mind.  It is also true that the mind can affect the body in ways we are only beginning to realize.  When you understand this principle you can apply the appropriate antidote as you learn how the body-mind works interdependently.

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is a formal reiki healing-session that goes way beyond the traditional form of reiki.  The fact that it often lasts for 1.5 hours which is forty-five minutes longer than other forms of reiki is an added bonus.  There are three things that make this therapy stand out from all the others:

  • The First thing that makes this healing modality unique is you have information to healing your core psychological issues.
  • Second, you have a method that you can work at to strengthen your hara-line for aligning you with your life purpose.
  • Third, you are taught a specific meditation to heal and improve the function of the core star, soul seat, and lower tan tien.

These meditations will help GROUND you to come into the body rather than being dissociated or disconnected from life.  Due to any form of traumatic incident, we often “leave” the body out of fear or pain.  Psychologically speaking, this pattern of being dissociated means we are not in the present – here and now.  More often than not, the pain has left its mark in childhood and surfaces more apparently in adult life.

The Hara Line:

In regards to the hara-line, which is only briefly talked about in martial arts, we come to know that adjusting it properly will align you with your life purpose.  The hara-line is discussed in depth in Barbara Brenna’s books.  The exercise that follows will help you to perceive if your hara line has any distortions or damage.

I remember reading a book by the Dalai Lama saying if you press the spot, four finger widths below your navel, you should feel heat and bliss.  Hold that for a few minutes and breathe gently, in order to discern what affects this has all over your body.  This is a very important point in your body.  It is often referred to as the lower tan-tien

To use a computer analogy, our nervous system is not “online” until the hara line is up and functioning properly.

This is a quick test to tell if your nervous system is functioning properly.  I would say that if you feel an absence of heat or bliss then you have some work to do. Sometimes you may press that spot and feel pain in other areas of the body.  What that means is our whole body is interconnected with other parts of the body in an intricate web-like fashion.  It is interesting to note that with the ‘push of a button’ you can determine the health of your body-mind system.


Furthermore, if you are fortunate enough to find a qualified lama to empower you to practice Tsa-Lung (yogic exercises for the channels and winds) then healing can move into something much deeper and progress will become swifter.  Within the tsa-lung system there are movement exercises called Yantra Yoga (Sanskrit) or Trulkor (Tibetan) which will help you achieve the quickest and most thorough way to heal your nervous system.

As you dive deeper into Tibetan Buddhism (supervised by a qualified Lama) and complete a Tsa-Lung retreat for a month, it will help you break apart the psychological armor that you have been carrying with you all your life.

In the meantime, it would be wise to investigate the Barbara Brennan School of Healing for those with a serious physical trauma, mental imbalance, or core abuse issue you would like to get a handle on.


I’ve gone through about eight months worth of this type of healing on a weekly basis.  It was definitely worth visiting a Barbara Brennan Healer once a week to learn about the many facets of our psyche.  If you are serious about having a stable, healthy state of mind then check out the two books she wrote.  The first book is Hands of Light and her other book is Light Emerging.

As one Barbara Brennan Healer put it nicely:

“When people connect to this Core essence aspect of themselves they stop participating in negative patterns and stop putting up with abusive or destructive behavior.  Old situations transform into new ones.  Sicknesses heal.  People heal cancer, auto-immune disorders, thyroid problems, heart problems, digestive disorders and more.”

The first book is a must have.  Both books are well written and explain a path towards health with such in-depth information and illustrations that you can put it to good use for becoming whole.  Since the school has grown internationally, it should be easy for anyone to find a practitioner to work with no matter where you live.

Three important meditations:

For immediate information on how to perform these meditations for more advanced healing purposes click these links:

  1. The Core Star meditation to ground and expand your energy
  2. The Hara Line meditation to ground and align you with your true purpose
  3. The Soul Seat meditation to develop this compassion and inner peace center

The website above is not a substitute for working directly with a healing practitioner or reading her books which will give you much more exact and detailed information.  At the very least, it is something you can start with right away if you are inclined to do so.

Hope that helps!


Filed under Emotional Health, Mental Health, Physical Health, Spiritual Healing

Some causes of mental disease

As I was browsing through one of my favorite spots on the internet called The CureZone, I came across an interesting post that bothered me and lead me to realize how much confusion is going on in regards to mental health.  He claimed that:

“Outside the Western World there is no such thing as a Schizophrenic, only Shaman, spiritual leaders. The one percent of our people are the natural community leaders of our species and the most important ability we all have has been intentionally hidden from our people.”

I felt I needed to respond:

I have to say you greatly misunderstand the intricate details that underlie mental illness of today or the past.  What others are really going through (ie. Kundalini Syndrome) needs to be looked at in the light of proper Reason.  This is not meant to be a personal attack but a suggestion to look DEEPER into the causes and conditions of mental disease.

As I have been interested in meditation for over thirty years, I have come to find this truth… when a person becomes an empath, someone sensitive to other people’s feelings, stems from two main causes: drugs (recreational or medicinal) or abuse (physical or sexual).

A person who has never been abused or done drugs will naturally become more Aware and Sensitive to another person’s feelings or thoughts the more one meditates.  This person definitely won’t get lost or affected by anything outside of himself in any detrimental way.  Furthermore, this type of person is most likely not to lose touch with reality.  But, how rare is that?

Most all of us have received some sort of damage via vaccinations, medical prescriptions, antibiotics, or abuse.  The list goes on and on.  But, whenever someone has taken drugs or been abused, reiki healers such as Barbara Brennan in her book “Hands of Light” shows clearly (with illustrations) what happens.

The scientific mind will say that the nervous system has been damaged; while the mystic perceives this damage as a hole in the auric field.

It can be determined that this imbalance, when seen from an energetic perspective, was a “shock” that was too overwhelming for the body/mind system to handle.  The trauma can be shown energetically how the person develops unhealthy behavioral patterns when coping with life or relationships.

The upside to having done drugs or unfortunately being abused is that most people can access deeper meditative or trance states.  That is why a Shaman would do drugs, to open him up to altered-states of consciousness by letting go of his preconceived notions of a solid reality.  Thick-headed Castaneda did this, as a crutch, and was meant to be done only in the beginning of his quest and not made an unhealthy habit.

But, the downside is that one becomes an empath, an overly sensitive person who tends to get lost in other people’s negative thoughts, judgments or low feelings of anger, lust etc.

While having these new abilities definitely makes one different from others, it is not always a thing to be proud of, since there is a constant difficulty…as the aspirant takes years and years of hard work to learn how to ground and protect themselves in public situations.  I, fortunately or unfortunately, have had to deal with this challenge of staying centered for over twenty-five years.

Similarly, when someone has faced a serious physical, sexual, or traumatic abuse the aura is shattered when the energetic force is too much and when left unresolved, that core issue remains in one’s subconscious mind and grows like a bad weed in a garden.  We find that many years later the mind had become split off from reality and slowly it gets worse.  When suddenly the person gets restimulated or triggered the Bipolar becomes paranoid and later manic or the schizophrenic will freak out and “go off the deep end”.  This behavior is their own protective way of dealing with an unwanted reality.  It is NOT an enlightened behavior as you suggested in your post.  More often than not – these unfortunate victims are harmful to themselves and others.

The modern medical therapy manages these cases with drugs.  The drug instantly cuts off their impulses and they have a chance to calm down.  They may be zombies for a while.  And, that is a good thing for protecting citizens who would be in harms-way if they met this person when having a melt-down.

We know that medical just manages mental disease and doesn’t heal or solve the situation completely.

And that is upsetting to you and many people.  I can understand that.  Believe me.  I have gone through my own Bipolar issues.  But, the majority of the population doesn’t have the will or know-how to heal in a holistic way.  Nor are they inclined when offered the chance – because one would then have to take a risk: either pay money out of their own pocket or be brave enough to face their inner “demons”.  Furthermore, it doesn’t seem that a medical doctor could ever take that type of responsibility when dealing with the masses.

The current situation world-wide, may not be the best solution but put yourself in the lunatic’s place a hundred years ago.  In Europe, it has been documented that the people were placed in an asylum in the most severe conditions.  All fifty or a hundred grouped together and locked in a cell, most likely underground – bereft of all human dignity or hope – no private toilet, no bathing etc.  Today, the modern medical way is definitely a step up from that nightmare. But, not the final solution of course.

A person must be willing to heal, take the steps outside of the commonly accepted way, and with the Grace of God one can get well.  But, be prepared for no quick solutions – it will take a good twenty to thirty years if not a lifetime’s work.

I hope that sheds some light to people that can only see this illness from the outside; not to mention for those who are continually suffering.  I truly wish that others will contemplate this serious topic from such a wider perspective.

be well,


Filed under Mental Health, Spiritual Healing, World Issues